Explore positive youth development while taking a deeper dive into the application of youth work. Each episode of PYD in 3 is broken up into three segments: Highlight an aspect of PYD for 3 min, Interview an expert in that aspect of PYD, Unpack how that principle of PYD relates directly to youth work, current issues, or challenges.
Adaptations and Accommodations for Inclusion
Ashley Benes and Maria Walker, 4-H Youth Development Coordinators, Nebraska Extension
Season 2
Episode 14
Listeners will get a brief, 3 min, overview of inclusion as it relates to our second episode topic in the series: accommodations and adaptations to include youth with all abilities. We then interview our guest on the topic, Kari Valentine, 4-H volunteer and mom who holds certifications in accommodations for young people. We will have a conversation with Kari about where to start by keeping the young person at the center of our work. Lastly, we take what we have covered and apply it to our daily practice. Segment 1 starts at :34, segment 2 starts at 6:11, segment 3 starts at 30:38. We will continue to provide more resources and links here to help you navigate inclusion.